Merlin Antislip Limited > Products > Asphalt Driveway Repairs, Recolouring and Sealing

We supply the following products to repair and rejuvenate TARCHIP or ASPHALT sealed areas: DRIVEWAYS, TENNIS COURTS, CARPARKS, etc~


A Polymer Bitumen compound that seals and rejuvenates aged asphalt surfaces. More...


Merlin can undertake small asphalt repairs from cracks and minor damage right through to overlaying tired and discoloured surfaces. The solution used is predominately the Magic Black product as from the many and varied situations where this product has been used it has delivered outstanding results. Magic Black is our go to product for the majority of applications where cracking, fine lines and voids are evident. It performs exceptionally well and will prevent further deterioration on existing properties of Asphalt, Tar and chip surfaces.


Once a non-slip surface has been laid it can then be overlaid with a product called Rockglaze. This overlay can be customised to suit any colour that you would require.

Alternatively, Rockglaze can be directly applied to concrete however the surface of the concrete must have a primer applied to it first. Concrete is very alkaline in its nature whereby a lot of coatings and paints simply do not bond to it readily. To solve this adhesion issue, a primer must be applied to ensure that the Rockglaze paint adheres correctly to the concrete or asphalt surface or driveway. As outlined before, this coating can have your choice of colour added to it to enhance any entry or driveway.

Concrete sealers

To ensure that contamination ingress into the surface of the concrete does not occur, a coating or a sealer is applied. There are two types of sealers/coatings, one is water based and the other is solvent based.

Water based Sealers.

These water-based sealers penetrate the surface of the concrete to provide protection for the surface of the concrete. Concrete surfaces by their very nature are porous and by putting a sealing barrier over the concrete means that rusting, water, and other fluids will not penetrate the surface. Water based sealing products are visible which means that water will not penetrate the concrete. The main reason for preventing water penetrating into the surface of the concrete is that being porous and when in a freezing environment, once water freezes and penetrates the concrete it then expands in can pop off the top surface of the concrete. You then get that pitted look if the unsealed concrete is exposed to frosts or extremely cold conditions.

Solvent based sealers

To ensure that contamination ingress does not occur into the concrete, a coating is applied. This coating can be clear or coloured depending on what is required. To obtain the desired wet look, which is popular today on driveways, you need a decorative sealer with a solvent base to give a wet look, colour or to have a natural look.

This sealer also provides you with protection from contaminants seeping into the concrete. Of course, with contaminants such as oil or other staining type liquids it is essential that you remove the contaminants as quickly as they are noticed. With the solvent sealer it will hold out contaminants and it will provide a lot longer protection than a water-based sealer will.

Marking of the concrete would also be reduced with the use of a sealer. Depending on what environment you are trying to protect would be determined as to what sealer would be recommended. You would want a solvent-based sealer for a topcoat of the concrete. This topcoat, which is sacrificial, will wear off over the course of a year or so and will need to be reapplied to maintain the integrity of the concrete.

This is the main difference between the two types of coatings, the solvent based sealer will need to be reapplied annually whereby water-based sealers are penetrable and need less maintenance.


Merlin can supply and fit the Tactile buttons in areas where it is necessary for people to stand and wait safely. These buttons are easily felt through the soles of your shoes or they visually stand out and indicate a safe place to stand while waiting for the situation or for any potential danger to pass. Areas such as pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, platforms, entrance ways and areas where there is a clear need for people to stand and remain safe is the perfect environment for these buttons.